Friday, April 18, 2008

I hope it doesn't snow this weekend

I decided to ride the 50cc into work today and to my surprise it dumped snow on me. This sucks, it's almost May and it is still so cold out that it is snowing at sea-level. It's almost 5:30 in the afternoon as I am writing this and the sun finally came out and I am hoping the weather takes a turn for the better.


Bill Sommers said...

It's Saturday at still sucks.

Scooter Club Golden Triangle said...

It snows this late over there? Sure didn't know that. I've got parents in Seattle, so kinda concerned, too.

Anyway, it has been great scooter weather down here in Texas so far; and soon you will be getting your share of it, I am sure.

Amerivespa '07 rules!
