Friday, April 11, 2008

A great way to bring in the weekend

The Sun was shining today and the temperature was great for riding. I started with some serious riding after work today by heading to the post office to mail my Tax return. I probably should have done it earlier but you know what they say about procrastinating...I don't but I'll probably google it tomorrow. Anyway, after that I went to the one place where I get a chance to get Sofia going at top speed, The Spit. After I got past the paper mill and out to the straight away I glanced at my mirrors to see if anyone was behind me and let her rip. Once I got her up to 65 m.p.h. I decided to slow down, park and take a walk on the beach. When I stopped to
collect my thoughts and have a good chuckle, I noticed that the vibration from the Scooter had moved from Sofia to me. My hands and knees were a little shakey, it wasn't the bad kind, it just made me laugh ever harder.

After my walk on the beach I jumped back on Sofia and blasted toward town at 65 again and headed home. The weather reports said that we should have sunshine this weekend and if that is the case, I'll be on the road.

I also want to say so long to Steve Williams at Scooter in the Sticks, he has decided to hang up the reigns on his blog. I hope he has fun in whatever future venture he choses.


Bill Sommers said...

Funny how the scooter will stay with you in so many ways. And I don't mean just the vibration that you feel in your arse and legs after winding her up a bit.

What I mean is how you become one with the scoot, and soon you become identified as belonging to it, and it to you. Soon folks will look at Sophia and see you as being part of the total package. It's in your blood now, you Limey,Geezer scooter jocky! Italian steel RULES!

Have fun,

Alessandro Melillo said...

yeah, Steve just slowed down his blog, sort of a half-retirement. We aren't worried, though, are we? We'll carry on the torch!

thanks for having added me in your links!


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