After fighting a bought with a flu bug last week I decided to take Sofia out for our first ride on Sunday. Being used to the modern twist and go scooters I had to take a while to get used to the manual choke. I thought I would've had more trouble learning to work with the clutch but it seemed to be like second nature to me. I started her up on full choke, worked it down to mid and finally all the way down, it toke about seven minutes because I killed the first time I went to mid. After that I held in the break, gave her some gas, shifted into first and took off.
I only went out for a five minute ride because I haven't gotten my plates for it yet, I went to the park. I was really surprised by it's initial take off, that sucker is FAST! once I got on the long stretch towards the park I decided to give her a little gas. I passed the entrance to the park because I was going to fast to turn and looked down to notice I was going 50 mph and I was only in third! I turned around by the local airport and stopped by the park for a minute to look around but got right back on my girl because my spider senses were tingling, I had talked to Billy a little bit before about the choke and figure he would probably stop by.
As soon as I got back, put Sofia in the garage and went inside my phone started ringing. It was Bill. I knew he wanted to see Sofia in the Light of day and hear her purr. We got to talking a little bit about the Cushman he has been looking at and about his new hat. It looks like my Mod hat is becoming a stapple in our little Scooter Club!